dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are the rights you have simply because you're human.
2. When did human rights start?
They started at 1945
3. Why were they created?
They were created to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.
4. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.
5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I had never heard of the right to play. I don't see any relation to the others, but I think it's fine.
6. Choose one human right and discuss:
- Is it fully respected in your country today?
There are more than one human right no respected in this country, but I decided to choose the right not to discriminate, because I think it's one of the rights that I can see almost every day.
Currently there are many people that are treated differently just because of their gender, religion, culture, social class, and especially racial disriminación. If we are all equal and we all have the same value as people, why so much discrimination?
- Do you know if it has been respected in the past?
Absolutly not. There has always been discrimination in the world, perhaps the reasons have changed, but not the problem.
- Where in the world is this right not complied with?
When I look for examples of publications in violation of this right, I find cases virtually worldwide, not just in a specific country.
7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today?
They should be relevant, but they aren't enough. Millions of people are mistreated every day, treated as objects without feelings, without rights. Every person deserves dignity, and we all should be at the same level, be equal, regardless of our condition. We're all citizens of the world, we are all people, that's why human rights should be relevant and respected throughout the world, and with this, get the freedom of the individual.
dilluns, 16 de novembre del 2009

My intention is to comment every aspect that evaluate the oral presentation. I will also comment on things I've done ok, and also things that I should improve.
First of all, I want to comment the presentation:
To make the presentation more entertaining, we decided to use some resources, such as the power point and YouTube videos. We made a slide show. We worked hard in the presentation, and I think that at last it was ok, although not perfect. That's why I put the 9%.
Body language & eye contact is always the hardest thing for me because I'm not used to explain something in front of many people. I didn't gestured enough. I looked at the audience, but not everyone in general, only some people.
The structure of the presentation was quite good I think, I don't put 10% because I don't think it was perfect, but it was quite good.
I think the content was appropriate, it was original and entertaining, and in some aspects it was funny. Perhaps it was a little bit long, with lots of information, but I think it deserves the 39%.
The language together with the pronunciation and intonation I think that were the worst things, language was perhaps a little simple, I could have used language more appropriate for my English. The pronunciation wasn't well enough, but I tried to pronounce it right and I think that in some ways it was good. So I decided to put a 6%.