dijous, 25 de febrer del 2010

Why laughter is good for health?

We all know that laughter is always good medicine, and even beneficial to health. According to an article I read recently, laughing is beneficial to health for several reasons. On the one hand, humor reduces stress hormones. Not forgetting that the laugh increase the levels of endorphins, the body's natural anesthetic.
Moreover, even after laughing for a while (recommended 15 minutes a day) the body is feeling its effects. After laughing, there is a brief period during which low blood pressure and heart slows.I've never thought about the effects that laughter has in the organism, but I know that after break out in laughter, and after laughing for a while, I feel better. I think it's appropriate for everyone, even people who are very serious, to laugh a little every day, because the benefits are clear. As it has been said, 30 seconds of laughter, one more hour of life.

dimecres, 17 de febrer del 2010


In recent days, that have been full of exams, Coke has been very present in my life (for its caffeine content), so I started thinking about all the urban legends that generates this drink, and I decided to post about it.Some of these legends are true, like the red Santa, who was invented by the company, and that originally the recipe for Coke contained cocaine. But there are many legends that are lies, for example, people say that if you mix Coke with (Peta-Zetas), it produces a reaction that makes your intestines explode. It has also been said that mixing Coke with aspirin, produces an aphrodisiac effect, or instant death. And who hasn't heard that Coke can dissolve a tooth or a piece of meat in one night? Absolutely false (I tasted it). Coke produces rectal tumors, it's a very good spermicide, police in the USA uses it to clean the blood of the murders ... and many more.Personally, all these stories make me laugh, because everyone has believed any of these legends once, or we're curios and we try to taste some of the experiments, or we have told it to someone to scare. In summary, we have all been fools ever.

Isabel Coixet

From Catalonia today, nº 326

Isabel Coixet is a young woman who works in filming industry. She has also worked as publicist. Her films explore human nature and relationships, and it touches the deepest and more hidden people feelings. She works with famous actors but also with actors that are just beginning. Personally I like Isabel Coixet's films, I think they're a different kind of films, deep and very personal. But as special they are, they could cause a very good effect in people, or however, they could seem to be very weird. That's why I like them because they are located at the extrem, and they're not consciously thought to be the most sold, but to cause a real impression.

dimarts, 9 de febrer del 2010

When is the ideal time to get married?

From CNN living, February 8, 2010.

As we know, nowadays there's a lot of people that is married. We can say it's almost a tradition. People feel that desire to be tied to the other person for all eternity, or perhaps girls just want it because they want to wear a white dress and an alliance, or also may be a marriage of convenience, such as in the movie Pride and Prejudice, that we've seen in class. Maybe is just a question of religion. But the topic of the report isn't the reason why people get married, but whatever the reason, what is the ideal age for marriage?

Most people interviewed in the article think that there's no specific age for marriage, there's no rule. Love, maturity, respect, experience. According to respondents, these are the reasons that depend on the ideal age for marriage. Some of them believe that we mustn't waste life with only one person, so you have to wait, while others think that while unconditional love exists, marriage can be at any time.

And this is where I want to give my opinion. I can say there's no age to get married, because just to get married seems absurd to me. I think that if you really love a person you don't need any paper to confirm that fact, no need to tie to a person legally. I think the best is life together, because you live in the same way that a marriage, and if you get tired in the worst case, you can always go away, instead of feeling like you have a shackle that haunts you your whole life. I believe in love but not in marriage.