divendres, 12 de març del 2010

Snowfall in Castelló d'Empúries

This Monday, something very unusual happened that probably I'll never see again, at least here in Castelló d'Empúries: A big snowfall came over Catalunya.I had heard the news there was chance of snow, and when it began to snow in the morning, I thought it wasn't important, and it would be very short. But I was surprised when it began to snow more violently, and we had to go home. It continued snowing all afternoon and all night, cars could not move, some people had to stay in their workplace, because there was no way to get home. I really like the snow, so I went to make a snowball fight, but the cold was unbearable, so I had to go back home. But the consequences weren't so pleasant: no light, no heat, no phone for two days, without internet until today. The only thing I could do to entertain myself was to build a giant snowman. Yet the experience was worth it and makes me think a phrase: no light, no life.