divendres, 14 de maig del 2010
dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010
Writing 3th TERM
I choose this composition because it's what I think is best. I reflected a lot about everything I wanted to write, I tried to think how to use connectors and also a lot of synonyms to avoid repeating the same words. I also tried using phrasal verbs and new vocabulary. In the oral presentation, the best is the one about the research project, because it was more elaborated. The content was well and also the language. Moreover, I knew very well what I was talking about I could do it better than others.
dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010
My English progress from 2008-2010
- I can say that there are many differences comparing my first e-mail that I sent to the teacher and now. Maybe I don't have improved so much with grammar, because when I started Batxillerat last year my knowledge was not so different than now, it's almost the same. But when I take a look on my vocabulary, connectors, phrasal verbs, and all that things relationated with the language, I can actually see some progress and changes.
- About the oral presentations, that's where I can see more improvement. When I did my first oral presentation about some films I had seen, the content was probably poorer than my orals in the present. I didn't organize the information in so much sections, and I almost always introduced the topics in the same way. if I have said before that I had improved the language, obviously I can see the improvement in my oral presentations as well. More technical words, more phrasal verbs, more richness of vocabulary....
About the presentation I can say that it has the same quality more or less. Maybe I've learned more about the use of the power point and I can't use some resources to attract people's attention. Finally I can say that my fluency and pronunciation has also improved.
To sum up, I can say that my personal development has been adressed into everithing, but especially in language.
- About the oral presentations, that's where I can see more improvement. When I did my first oral presentation about some films I had seen, the content was probably poorer than my orals in the present. I didn't organize the information in so much sections, and I almost always introduced the topics in the same way. if I have said before that I had improved the language, obviously I can see the improvement in my oral presentations as well. More technical words, more phrasal verbs, more richness of vocabulary....
About the presentation I can say that it has the same quality more or less. Maybe I've learned more about the use of the power point and I can't use some resources to attract people's attention. Finally I can say that my fluency and pronunciation has also improved.
To sum up, I can say that my personal development has been adressed into everithing, but especially in language.
dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010

Good luck everybody!
divendres, 7 de maig del 2010
diumenge, 2 de maig del 2010

Is access to the internet a fundamental human right?

I just read an article that caught my attention: BBC has made a survey of more than 27 000 adults in 26 countries. The survey asked about the Internet, and what surprised me was the result: Almost four in five people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right.
What I think is that it's clear that people who have internet access are better informed, and it's an essential tool to access any type of knowledge. I think the internet is not a right, is a privilege. But consider it a right is ridiculous.
I would have thought things like food, water and shelter would be more important.
So what's next, is a TV a human right? A mobile phone, a Play Station 3?.
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